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7 Christmas Songs That Isn't "All I Want For Christmas Is You"
As much as we love Mariah Carey’s All I Want For Christmas, it can be annoying when it’s literally the only song you hear during the holidays season. That’s why we decided to make a list of 7 Christmas Songs that embody the Christmas spirit that’s not All I Want For Christmas!
16 Hilarious Tweets to Embrace Christmas This 2021
Christmas is finally upon us, and what better way to prepare for it with 16 of the most hilarious and relatable tweets for 2021’s Christmas season! From slightly relatable to downright one of your experiences, let’s take a look at how other people’s Christmas typically go.
13 of the Funniest and Alarming Red Flag 🚩 Tweets You Need to See
Twitter has been invaded by Red Flag memes and tweets that raise our detective skills to an all time high. We compiled 13 of the best, funniest, and alarming Red Flag tweets that you can’t miss.
14 of the Most Brutal Twitter Comebacks Ever
As the online town square of the world, Twitter has seen millions of roasts and comebacks that have left some people in tears. From the funniest comebacks to the most unexpected ones, let’s take a look at 14 of the most brutal and savage Twitter comebacks ever.
The 7 Most Controversial and Iconic Celebrity Feuds of All Time
Celebrity feuds and conflicts become overnight trends the moment they start. And as much as we hate to see the same headlines all over the internet and social media, some of these rivalries are just too good to not find entertaining. Here are 8 of the most controversial celebrity feuds you have to know about.